
Wednesday, February 9, 2011

Warm weather day means maintenance day

Slice the remains of the hinge, the door is locked so it will stay in place

Unlock the door and remove, you could drive away but you would leave a trail of stuff

Pull the old hinge off the the bus

Get rid of the offending hinge from the door

Slide the new hinge into the channel

With a helper, slide the door on and its good to go
Shade tree mechanics and driveway do-it-yourselfers fall into two categories, they do their own work because they enjoy doing it or they are cheap. I fall into the latter, I have always refused to pay someone to do something that I can do. Cars are fairly simple, a few things need attention and bingo you're done. Buses have all sorts of weird doodads and whatcahmacallits(those are very technical bus terms) that need work. The latest is the belly doors. The Great White Tiger has eleven doors along the bottom, some are just doors to batteries or circuit panels. Those doors are not opened that often. The other doors that go to the storage areas or the black and grey water tanks are opened many times. Each door is on a rubber hinge, the hinge also acts as a seal on the top of the door. Over time the rubber wears out and then whoops, when you open the door it falls off the bus. That is a real pain.Two of the doors need hinges, after all they are 30 to 40 years old and have been opened and closed who knows how many times. Installing new hinges is not something I am willing to pay an RV shop 120 dollars an hour to do. Each one takes about an hour so, an RV shop would charge for labor, time, use of their shop,paper to write an estimate ,soap to wash their hands and probably toilet paper to wipe their a**. The job is not to bad the only help you need is someone to help reinstall the large doors. and bingo the doors work like a charm.

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